AcrobatAnt is excited to share some of our recent award-winning creative work.
Winners were announced at the beginning of May for the 37th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards. The Christmas broadsheet insert for Saint Francis Health System was awarded with Silver.
The 2018 Annual Report mailer for Jennie Stuart Health was awarded with a merit designation in the 37th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards as well as an honorable mention last fall from the Kentucky Society of Healthcare Public Relations and Marketing. The KSHPRM also awarded Jennie Stuart Health a Thoroughbred Award for a direct mail piece we created (Delivering Excellence across the Generations). And, the 37th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards also awarded Jennie Stuart health a silver award for the Geriatric Magnet direct mail piece.
In January, we learned the Cancer Awareness Advertising Awards had honored work that we created for Gibbs Cancer Center & Research Institute (part of Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System) a Gold award for the rebranding campaign and a Bronze award for the annual report. The rebrand and annual report were both also honored by the 37th Annual Healthcare Advertising Awards with Bronze awards for both entries.
We’re ready to do some award-winning work for you, too, so give us a call at 918-938-7901 or shoot us an email about your next project.