So. You’ve read part 1 of our blog series on understanding micro- vs. macro-conversion goals and why they are extremely important to your business. (if you haven’t, click here to read part 1.)
Now it is time to sit down and identify whether the goals you have established for your business and digital campaign are micro-conversion goals or macro-conversion goals.
Here are three questions you can ask yourself to (hopefully) make it a bit more clear:
1. What do you think about when you picture a conversion?
This may seem obvious, but usually when people think of conversions, they picture macro-conversions. Whatever it is you’re picturing is probably the reason you have a business in the first place and are sitting here contemplating micro- and macro-goals.
If you are envisioning actions like making a purchase, filling out a form, or buying a product and think you may have found your macro-goals, you are correct. Good job.
2. Is there an action beyond this action that I would like my customer or user to take?
If the answer to this question is yes, then you have probably identified a micro-conversion goal. For example, if the action you are contemplating is “follow us” on social media, but you realize that it would be more ideal for a user to “fill out the contact form”, then in this case, following the company on social media would be a micro-conversion, and filling out the contact form would be the macro-conversion. The social follow is helpful, but it would be more helpful to have a qualified lead from the contact form that you could personally follow up with. Make sense?
3. What is the end-goal of my campaign? (What do I hope to achieve with my marketing spend?)
If you have answered this question in a few words or less, you have probably found the macro-goals for your campaign.
For example, if you launch a campaign specifically to get more users to subscribe to your newsletter, than the act of “subscribing” would be a macro-goal for this specific campaign.
However, if you eventually plan to use the database of subscribers as an email list, and send out an email promoting your new hot product, then “subscribing” could also be considered a micro-goal (stay with me), and the macro-goal would be a completed purchase from one of the subscribers of the email. You with me? Basically, what I’m saying is that it depends on what your current focus is: Are you trying to determine goals for a specific campaign? Or goals for your business as a whole? The answer is up to you, and is generally determined on a case-by-case basis.
Give us a ring if you need help figuring it out. We are kinda experts, ya know.
Contact Angela Brock at 918-938-7912 or [email protected] to discuss your business challenges and how AcrobatAnt can help you establish and reach your goals.
AcrobatAnt Marketing & Advertising
502 S Boston
Tulsa, OK 74120