The Dos and Don’ts of Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way for businesses of all sizes to reach their target audience, build relationships, and drive sales. First, keep in mind that email marketing is about building relationships and delivering value to your audience while respecting their preferences and privacy. 

Whether you’ve been utilizing emails to reach your audience for years or are new to email marketing, here are a few dos and don’ts to help improve your campaigns.


Segment your email list. Divide your subscribers into groups based on their interests, demographics, or purchase history. This will allow you to send more relevant and targeted emails, which will improve your open rates and click-through rates.

Personalize your emails. Include the subscriber’s name and other personal details to make them feel like you’re speaking directly to them. They will be more likely to open and read your emails.

Create a strong subject line. The subject line is the first thing subscribers will see, so it’s important to make it clear, concise, and attention-grabbing. Using keywords that are relevant to your content will make subscribers want to open your email.

Write clear and concise content. People are busy and they don’t have time to read long, rambling emails. Get to the point quickly and make sure your content is easy to understand.

Include a call-to-action (CTA). Tell subscribers what you want them to do, whether it’s clicking on a link, making a purchase, or signing up for your newsletter. The more clear and concise your CTA is, the more likely subscribers are to act on it.

Prioritize mobile responsiveness: Ensure your emails are optimized for mobile devices. Most users check their emails on mobile, so your content should be easily readable and clickable on smaller screens.

Provide valuable content: Deliver content that offers value to your recipients. This could be in the form of educational information, promotions, exclusive offers, or solutions to their pain points.


Send too many emails. If you send too many emails, subscribers will start to unsubscribe. A good rule of thumb is to send no more than two emails per week.

Use spammy language. Avoid using words like “free,” “win,” and “click here” in your subject lines. These words are often associated with spam, and they will make subscribers more likely to delete your email without even opening it.

Send irrelevant content. Don’t send emails that are not relevant to your subscribers’ interests. This will just annoy them and make them more likely to unsubscribe.

Use poor grammar and spelling. Make sure your emails are free of errors in grammar and spelling. Typos and poor grammar make you look unprofessional and damage your credibility.

Fail to track results. It’s important to track your email marketing results so you can see what’s working and what’s not. This will help you improve your campaigns over time.

Buy or rent email lists: Avoid purchasing or renting email lists. Building your own opt-in list ensures you have engaged subscribers who are genuinely interested in your content.

Neglect testing: Don’t skip the testing phase. Always test your emails across different devices, email clients, and screen sizes to ensure they appear correctly for all recipients.

Use misleading subject lines or content: Avoid using subject lines that mislead recipients or content that doesn’t match what was promised. This damages trust and can lead to unsubscribes or spam reports.

Forget about the unsubscribe option: Every email should include a clear and easy-to-find option for recipients to unsubscribe. Ignoring unsubscribe requests can harm your sender reputation and deliverability.

By following these tips, you’ll increase the likelihood of reaching your subscribers’ inboxes and getting them to open and engage with your message. Want help setting up an email campaign or auto responder/drip email series? AcrobatAnt can help. Contact us at [email protected] or call Angela at 918-695-2273.