We all know and appreciate a proper greeting when we arrive at a restaurant. A smile, a sincere welcome, eye contact—all set the tone for a positive experience which leads to higher guest satisfaction, higher revenue, and increased loyalty. In today’s digital world, and with expanded service options, a brand’s first impression—that appears, or doesn’t, with paid search—is as important as that first step into the restaurant.
Besides the first-impression analogy, of course, paid search is a key guest count driver these days—one that doesn’t require a discounted incentive to achieve this important KPI for most restaurant marketers. We all realize the benefits of paid search, but after budget approvals, many leave the execution to someone else, which can lead to suboptimal results.
At AcrobatAnt, we recommend:
If we can help in this journey, contact Steve McGehee, President, AcrobatAnt.