One of the best parts of being an Ant is the variety of projects we get to work on every day. While most days may be filled with projects that you might imagine—logo and website design, development and marketing strategy—sometimes we get to think more dimensionally. Like when we get the opportunity to concept, design and manage the installation of restaurant concession brands at arenas and convention halls throughout the country.
Over the last year, AcrobatAnt worked with the team at the new Oklahoma City Convention Center to develop concession concepts for the Center’s main exhibit hall. We began conversations and first visited the site over a year ago, when the building was still in construction. Seeing the “bones” of the building and meeting with the client face-to-face made a big difference for our designers. They were able to capture the client’s vision, creating a cohesive brand look along with four unique concessions.
In the following months, we worked with the client to get the design within the city’s approved budget, and then planned construction and installation of the concession spaces. Once the walls were finalized, we visited the space one last time to take final measurements for the artwork.
Installation took about four weeks and included painting, awning fabrication and installation, and vinyl printing and installation. The Oklahoma City Convention Center opened for events in late January, and we’re thrilled to see this new space, and our designs, in use.