How Patient Testimonials and Reviews Can Transform Your Healthcare Marketing

Like other service industries, healthcare has evolved into a consumer-driven market in part because of technology and easy access to information. Most people needing healthcare services these days are not passively waiting for providers to attract their attention through traditional and digital advertising channels. Instead, they’re taking a more active role in their healthcare journey: asking more questions, doing more research online, and generally seeking a more personalized experience. This is why it’s important for healthcare brands to take a “patient-centric” approach to their marketing.

One of the best ways for a healthcare marketing agency to adopt this approach is by promoting successful patient experiences using testimonials and reviews. Positive patient reviews, post-care surveys and testimonials are excellent elements for a patient-centric marketing campaign and are proving to be increasingly effective in attracting new patients. Research shows that ninety percent of people look at online reviews when evaluating a potential healthcare provider.

In this article, we’ll explore the powerful impact of patient testimonials and reviews on healthcare marketing, and discuss how healthcare providers can effectively collect, showcase, and utilize patient feedback to build trust, attract new patients, and enhance their reputation.

The Value of Patient Testimonials and Reviews

If you think about it, patient testimonials represent one of the oldest and most effective forms of advertising: word of mouth. When making decisions, especially those as important and personal as choosing healthcare providers, people are strongly influenced by the opinions and experiences of friends and family—perhaps even more so than the advice or opinions of healthcare professionals. By strategically utilizing advertising channels such as social media, patient testimonials can powerfully and quickly impact the decision-making process.

Utilized properly, testimonials help establish and build credibility for healthcare organizations. Patients who share their success stories provide “social proof” of an organization’s commitment to and reputation for delivering high-quality care. A 2019 study found that 63% of customers in general were influenced by positive online reviews. For healthcare organizations especially, testimonials are one of the most effective ways to build trust with their prospective patients.

Let’s look at some of the ways to gather patient testimonials and reviews that provide a ringing endorsement of your healthcare organization.

Best Practices—and Challenges—in Collecting Patient Testimonials and Reviews

To truly understand patients’ needs, preferences and expectations, research is required, either by post-care surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one interviews. With this valuable data, healthcare marketers can more effectively tailor their messaging and services.

As you’d suspect, not all patients are willing to offer opinions about their experiences, much less agree to have their experiences—and names—broadcast to the public. To achieve the full potential of patient testimonials, you need to be proactive as well as respectful of patients’ privacy.

First, you need to create a survey that encourages patients to respond. Crafting the survey requires phrasing each question in a way that will elicit a response that is positive, natural, and easily adaptable for promotional purposes. For example, instead of asking “Would you recommend Dr. Smith to other patients?”—which will only elicit a “Yes” or “No” answer—you can phrase the survey item to read: “Tell us why you would recommend Dr. Smith.”

Leaving survey questions open-ended often generates some of the best testimonial material. For example: “Please describe your overall experience with our hospital.” Giving patients space to reflect on their situation before and after treatment often produces genuine and emotional testimony that can serve in an effective healthcare marketing strategy.

Another benefit of patient surveys, and perhaps the best benefit of all: negative feedback (if you get any, that is!) will point out areas of improvement that may be necessary and ultimately help enhance the overall patient experience—and reinforce your reputation for patient-centered care.

Successfully Leveraging Patient Testimonials and Reviews

Patient surveys are just one way to harvest valuable testimonials and reviews for use in marketing tools such as video, social media, print, direct mail, and outdoor. Following up with patients through email, encouraging patients to leave reviews via a form on your website, and one-on-one video interviews can not only provide usable quotes but also help shape marketing strategies going forward.

One recent example of leveraging positive patient feedback for a successful healthcare marketing strategy involved AcrobatAnt client Spine & Orthopedic Specialists (SOS), a Tulsa-based practice that provides surgical and non-surgical treatment to patients experiencing back and spinal pain. The surgeons at SOS perform spinal fusion surgeries but also advocate for a disc-replacement procedure that is typically a better long-term solution for patients.

The challenge for this client was to increase the volume of new patients. Utilizing video interviews and surveys of patients who had successful experiences at SOS, we targeted northeast Oklahoma adults 30-80 years old who have neck, back, shoulder or knee pain and/or spinal disorders. Using paid search, our goal was to increase patient calls (tracking clicks on the website phone number) and the number of “request appointment” form submissions.

For 2022, the paid search campaign alone drove 242 leads to the clinic (phone calls or lead forms from the website). The overall click-through rate (CTR) for 2022 was 6.5%—well above the industry benchmark of 3.75%. In 2023, the campaign significantly exceeded 2022 performance, with performance through April 2023 including 116 conversions and a CTR of 6.84%.

Let Your Patients Do the Talking

The testimonial is a particularly effective marketing tool for healthcare marketing organizations. A person’s health is a highly sensitive topic, so catchy slogans and slick marketing touting your doctors’ great skill and experience, for example, may not be nearly as effective as presenting a sincere, candid endorsement from a successful patient. Focusing on patient testimonials in your marketing strategy can help attract new patients and give your healthcare brand a stronger dimension of authenticity and relatability.

Ready to leverage patient testimonials and reviews to achieve marketing success? AcrobatAnt has more than 15 years of experience partnering with healthcare providers nationwide. Let’s chat. Call AcrobatAnt CEO Angela Brock at 918-938-7912 or [email protected].

Social Climb: “The Power of Patient Testimonials in Healthcare Marketing”
AcrobatAnt: “Defining Your Truth: Understanding how to simplify your healthcare marketing strategy”
ScienceDirect: “Measuring the impact of online reviews on consumer purchase decisions”